Monday, 14 February 2011

Of Valentine's Day and other "Romantic" holidays...

Okay, so it's the "worst" time of year to be single. But is it really? The answer is: It's just like every fucking day of singledom... monotonous, droning and dull. You drink a little more, feel a little more shit about yourself. Especially since everyone either patronises you or shoves their relationships in your face. Solution?

Fuck them all. Make everyone Valentines. Why should the self absorbed couples be the only ones to act out this "perfect" day? Sure you can't give out your honmei-choco because it would make you a selfish horrible bitch, since he just happens to be happily involved elsewhere, elsewhere being right in front of you. You'll only feel like a jealous bitch for a couple days, so whats the big deal... Oh wait they are arguing and you can't help feeling slightly hopeful and slightly fucked up at the same time.

I don't think I'll ever like this holiday.

PS Excuse my horrible language, this is a total bitch rant, but you can't keep all your unhealthy guilty feelings to yourself. It'll only make you feel more hopeless and desperate.