I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that alcohol has made me do some pretty stupid things. Fortunatly most of them haven't been dangerous, I've never tried to drive after drinking or done anything too dangerous, I've hopped fences and fallen down a bunch but I'm still alive and kicking. And I've never done anything irreversible while drunk, you apologize for being drunk and at least you aren't creative enough to lie when you're drunk. But perhaps its the "lying" culture we grow up in that we feel it is necessary to apologize for being bluntly truthful. It's bad manners to lie, but it's even worse to be offensive or to ignore normal social logic. But why? Being rude is one thing but if you're telling the truth, however bluntly, shouldn't people listen?
Alcohol gets us all into situations I'm sure we'd all rather avoid, but that isn't even true is it? Alcohol is the enabler, it allows us to try and do the things we all secretly think about but wouldn't normally act on. It isn't the alcohol, it's us, it's human to try and touch our hopes even though we all know we'll regret it in the morning. But the reason we regret isn't because we didn't want what we get, but because society tells us that we should be.
You can't blame the enabler, and you can't really blame the person. It's just part of our nature to seek the things we want, even if they are inappropriate. And sometimes throwing social contract out the window is the only means we assume to achieve something.
In the end alcohol is just that, a liquid. Sometimes it's ups and sometimes it's downs, does it make us stupid enough to act based only on desire or do we drink it to escape the consquences? Just let it be what it is, and enjoy it while you have the time. In the end we are our own undoing by the standards of society.
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